Social Media- Your First Amendment Right!
Published May 30, 2018 3690 Views
By: John Galbraith Jr For the amount of time we as a society spend on social media, it sure gets a bad stick. “Live your own life, stop living through hers”, or, “you’ve been in your phone all day.” Let’s be honest, we’ve all heard it before. Yes, kids are less probable to be han...
The Importance of Good PR
Published September 19, 2017 3756 Views
By Karah Vanderwarker “I have a solid marketing team,” “I’m not in the midst of a crisis,” “My sales are good as is,” - all excuses for slacking on public relations efforts. The truth is, consumers don’t just want products or services. They now want businesses they can connect with. They...
Achieve Sales Goals With Better Design
Published August 12, 2016 3096 Views
By Alyssa Barrett What Does Your Landing Page Look Like? It’s different from a home page, and does quite a few different things. I’m talking about your landing page. The widely used term is considered a must-have in today’s digital, web-enthused environment. The landing page is exactly what it...
The Art of Copywriting
Published July 30, 2016 5650 Views
By Alyssa Barrett Marketers and companies state over and over, content is king; it’s necessary and absolutely vital to advertising. But what makes up good content? What are the tools that allow it to become powerful and successful enough to engage consumers? Copywriting is the art and science...
Woah Pokemon
Published July 20, 2016 3397 Views
By Paige Schultze Pokémon GO! As a child I would have all the Barbie dolls, Polly pockets and stuffed animals but I would never play with them. I dressed them up everyday and would have them sit there to look pretty. I did just about the same thing with Pokémon cards. I would have bo...
Published July 13, 2016 3381 Views
By Paige Schultze In today's top digital age, many companies are competing to get noticed. Here at TWIN we strive to stay up to date with the newest technology to expand our network. Working with social media, the impressions you make with your content is the key to successful lead generation....
Pittsford Town
Published June 21, 2016 3858 Views
By Paige Schultze Pittsford is known to be the most prosperous town in Upstate New York; one of the reasons my family and I moved here. Just becoming a new member of the town of Greece, in the city of Rochester, NY, I have started an intership at Twin Advertising in the town of Pittsford. It's...
Knickerbocker Hill
Published June 14, 2016 3219 Views
By Trish Wilgar Pittsford, NY. June 14, 2016. Today marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Flag of the United States of America! Happy Birthday to our American Flag! As we ponder this momentous day in our nation's history, I thought it appropriate to venture out on a walk about Pitts...
Digital Marketing & Constant Change
Published June 8, 2016 4547 Views
By Trish Wilgar Reaching potential target audiences has become easier yet more complex as we've enter the era of digital media. It's always an ongoing source of discussion about which digital marketing tools will reap the greatest incremental benefits for a business sector. What is the trend f...
"Everyday, ordinary things spark interest and provide insight to our marketing practice enabling dynamic, successful campaigns with incredible ROI, inspiring our Team at Twin to always go the extra mile and more."